يعمل يوسيرين كمطري ومرطب.
يتميز الآذريون وأكسيد الزنك بخصائص مضادة للالتهابات ويمكنهما تخفيف الألم.
يمنح زيت اللوز صحة ونضارة للبشرة.
• خالٍ من المواد الحافظة
• خالٍ من العطور
1- صحي ونقي
2- معطر
تشتمل منتجات کَنز على منتجات العناية المنزلية والعناية الشخصية. تنتج کَنز منتجات متنوعة مثل كريم الترطيب وزيت الجسم وكريمات إزالة الشعر بالإضافة إلى منتجات العناية المنزلية مثل المطهرات ومنظفات الزجاج.

كريم كنز للأطفال
كريم كنز للأطفال
يحتوي هذا المنتج على:
يوسيرين لزيادة قدرة امتصاص الماء وترطيب البشرة.
شمع العسل لزيادة نعومة البشرة.
زيت اللوز والآذريون لحماية بشرتك من الجفاف والحساسية.
أكسيد الزنك لتخفيف وحماية طفلك من طفح الحفاضات.

زيت كنز؛ للعناية ببشرة الأطفال
زيت كنز؛ للعناية ببشرة الأطفال
- مرطب ومهدئ لبشرة الطفل
- يحتوي على مستخلص الصبار وفيتامين E
- يساعد على تخفيف التهيج
- يحمي بشرة الطفل الحساسة
- يساعد على منع طفح
- الحفاضات
سريع الامتصاص

Kanz fruit moisturising creams come in four different variants with exclusive aroma
Kanz fruit moisturising creams
- Contains vitamin B5 and argan oil
- Fast-absorbing
- Compatible with all skin types
- Comes in four different scents: Passion fruit, avocado, blueberry and honey & almond

Kanz herbal moisturising creams come in four different variants with exclusive aroma
- Comes in four different variants suitable for different skin types
- Wheat germ oil cream: Suitable for all skin types, it contains vitamin B5 and helps hydrate and protect your skin from stretch marks
- Aloe vera oil cream: Suitable for all skin types, this fast-absorbing cream contains vitamin B5. This potent moisturiser smooths, repairs and protects your skin
- Tea tree oil cream: Suitable for oily skins, it is a fast-absorbing cream which helps hydrate, repair and protect your skin
- Argan oil cream: Suitable for oily skins, this product contains vitamin B5 and helps skin health and regeneration

Hygienic and scented vaseline
Kanz hygienic (blue) and vitaminized (green) vaseline
- Available in two different types
- Skin protection from dryness
- Blue Kanz Vaseline jars are filled with high-quality pure petroleum jelly
- Green Kanz vitaminized Vaseline jars contain vitamin E and lemon scent

Kanz baby vaseline
Kanz baby vaseline
- Contains vitamin E, calendula oil, and argan oil
- Moisturises and softens
- Helps soothe and protect the skin against nappy rash
- Free from fragrance, preservatives and allergens
- Suitable for the sensitive skin of babies

Kanz hygienic and scented vaseline
Kanz hygienic and scented vaseline
- Contains calendula oil, and argan oil
- Skin protection from dryness

Kanz baby vaseline
Kanz baby vaseline
- Contains vitamin E, Calendula oil, and Argan oil
- Moisturises and softens
- Helps soothe and protect the skin against nappy rash
- Free from fragrance, preservatives and allergens
- Suitable for the sensitive skin of babies

Kanz baby oil
Kanz baby oil
- Moisturising and soothing baby skin
- Contains Aloe vera extract and vitamin E
- Helps relieve irritation
- Protection of sensitive baby skin
- Helps prevent nappy rash
- Fast-absorbing

Kanz foot care cream
Kanz foot care cream
- Prevents and repairs dry and cracked heels
- Contains shea butter, almond oil and wheat germ oil
- Eradicates dryness and creates softness on your heel, knee and elbow skin.
- Contains salicylic acid as a dead skin remover agent

Kanz depilatory creams for face and body
Kanz depilatory creams
- Containing calendula oil and chamomile oil
- Retaining skin moisture
- Body hair removal creams come in 100g tubes
- Face hair removal creams come in 50g tubes

Kanz caramel disinfectant liquid
Kanz caramel disinfectant liquid
- Prevention of microbial, viral, and fungal diseases
- Contains chloroxylenol as its main disinfectant agent
- Can be used for domestic purposes (e.g. disinfecting kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, clothes), commercial purposes (e.g. restaurants), and hospitals
- Available in volumes of 250ml, 500ml and 4000ml (gallon)

Kanz scented disinfectant liquid
Kanz scented disinfectant liquid
- Prevention of microbial, viral, and fungal diseases
- Contains quaternary ammoniums as the main disinfectant agent
- Can be used for domestic purposes (e.g. disinfecting kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, clothes), commercial purposes (e.g. restaurants), and hospitals
- Available in volumes of 500ml (bottle) and 4000ml (gallon)

Kanz glass cleaner
Kanz glass cleaner
- Cleans all types of pollution, dust and grease off the glass
- Can be used for windows, glasses, and mirrors
- Creating extraordinary transparency on the glass
- Pleasant aroma
- Streak Free

Kanz fruit and vegetable double-action disinfectant liquid
Kanz fruit and vegetable double-action disinfectant liquid
- Contains germicide (benzalkonium chloride) to prevent microbial diseases
- Contains betaine to remove soil and pollution

Hand sanitising cream

Kanz face and hand moisturising cream
Kanz face and hand moisturising cream
- Comes in six different varieties with scents of peach, cucumber, coconut, strawberry, pomegranate, and grapefruit
- Contains eucerin, almond oil, and vitamin B5
- Restoration and revitalisation
- Suitable for all skin types
- Prevents skin dryness
- A potent moisturiser
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Kanz Hand, face and body cream
Kanz Hand, face and body cream
Without making the skin oily or glossy, Kanz herbal moisturising and anti aging creams are easily absorbed into the skin, retain the skin moisture and eradicate skin dryness.
There are four different varieties of this product:
- Cream containing aloe vera extract: Moisturising and soothing irritations.
- Cream containing wheat germ oil: Skin moisturising and revitalisation.
- Cream containing olive oil: Skin moisturising and softening.
- Cream containing hazelnut oil: Skin moisturizing and nourishing.